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Half Snatch to Strict Press


Hamstrings / Glutes / Lower Back / Core / Shoulders


Half Snatch to Strict Press


Hamstrings / Glutes / Lower Back / Core / Shoulders


The Half Snatch to Strict Press is a compound upper-body movement that combines two fundamental exercises into one. It can be performed by beginners and advanced kettlebell practitioners due to its many long-lasting benefits.

One of the benefits of the half snatch is the eccentric deltoid work. This is seen every time you drop the bell down from the overhead to the rack position. Adding the concentric strict press right after it is an effective way to fire up the delts in a short period of time.

It should be noted that the Half Snatch is not considered a strictly upper-body movement, as most of the force required to snatch a kettlebell comes from the lower body. However, there is some upper-body activation, and the addition of the strict press makes this move a powerhouse drill.

For more information, please visit the following pages:


The Half Snatch to Strict Press is a compound upper-body movement that combines two fundamental exercises into one. It can be performed by beginners and advanced kettlebell practitioners due to its many long-lasting benefits. 

One of the benefits of the half snatch is the eccentric deltoid work. This is seen every time you drop the bell down from the overhead to the rack position. Adding the concentric strict press right after it is an effective way to fire up the delts in a short period of time.

It should be noted that the Half Snatch is not considered a strictly upper-body movement, as most of the force required to snatch a kettlebell comes from the lower body. However, there is some upper-body activation, and the addition of the strict press makes this move a powerhouse drill.

For more information, please visit the following pages: