< Exercise Catalog

Strict Press

Shoulders / Triceps / Core / Upper Back


Strict Press

Shoulders / Triceps / Core / Upper Back



The Strict Press is a fundamental upper body exercise that focuses on building strength and muscle in the shoulders, triceps, core, and upper back. It involves lifting a kettlebell from the rack position to an overhead position in a strict and controlled manner.

To perform:

  • Start in the rack position, holding the kettlebell by the handle close to your chest. Keep your elbow tucked in and your wrist straight.

  • Maintaining a neutral spine and engaged core, press the kettlebell overhead by extending your elbow and shoulder.

  • Utilize a comfortable hand insertion as you smoothly transition from rack to overhead.

This exercise promotes shoulder stability, muscle growth, and improved upper body strength. It also enhances posture and reinforces core engagement. It can be tailored to various fitness levels by selecting an appropriate kettlebell weight.

The strict press is a valuable addition to strength training routines, aiding in functional upper body strength and better overall muscle balance.

Note: A comfortable overhead position includes a straight elbow with your bicep close to your ear and your hand slightly behind your head.


The Strict Press is a fundamental upper body exercise that focuses on building strength and muscle in the shoulders, triceps, core, and upper back. It involves lifting a kettlebell from the rack position to an overhead position in a strict and controlled manner.

To perform:

  • Start in the rack position, holding the kettlebell by the handle close to your chest. Keep your elbow tucked in and your wrist straight.

  • Maintaining a neutral spine and engaged core, press the kettlebell overhead by extending your elbow and shoulder.

  • Utilize a comfortable hand insertion as you smoothly transition from rack to overhead.

This exercise promotes shoulder stability, muscle growth, and improved upper body strength. It also enhances posture and reinforces core engagement. It can be tailored to various fitness levels by selecting an appropriate kettlebell weight.

The strict press is a valuable addition to strength training routines, aiding in functional upper body strength and better overall muscle balance.

Note: A comfortable overhead position includes a straight elbow with your bicep close to your ear and your hand slightly behind your head.