The Bellmade Membership

A habit-based kettlebell program

A habit-based kettlebell program
Click for a 7-day trial 🤗
Monthly ($20/mo) Annual ($200/yr)

About the program

I went from being a weak kettlebeller to a strong one by consuming years of information. It was a hefty task.

I ingested as much as I could - the good and the bad. In-person training, online coaching, YouTube tutorials, Instagram videos. Juggling, sport, hardstyle, hybrid, ultra minimalist. All of it.

Only through years of hard work and consistent, forced attention was I able to sift through the bad (*ahem* inefficient) and recognize the crème.

I made Bellmade to give you just the good stuff — so you don’t have to spend thousands of hours (and dollars) figuring it out  for yourself. After all, you have more important ways to spend your life than planning your next workout, right? Let me give you the plan to get ripped while you use your mental bandwidth on more important things (I’ll leave that up to your imagination). All you need to do is show up consistently and put in the work.

This membership gives you a simple online tool to help you get physically stronger, develop healthy fitness habits, become part of a community, and grow your confidence around kettlebell training at home.

As a member, you will have exclusive access to the following:

• About the program •

I went from being a weak kettlebeller to a strong one by consuming years of information. It was a hefty task.

I ingested as much as I could - the good and the bad. In-person training, online coaching, YouTube tutorials, Instagram videos. Juggling, sport, hardstyle, hybrid, ultra minimalist. All of it.

Only through years of hard work and consistent, forced attention was I able to sift through the bad (*ahem* inefficient) and recognize the crème.

I made Bellmade to give you just the good stuff — so you don’t have to spend thousands of hours (and dollars) figuring it out  for yourself. After all, you have more important ways to spend your life than planning your next workout, right? Let me give you the plan to get ripped while you use your mental bandwidth on more important things (I’ll leave that up to your imagination). All you need to do is show up consistently and put in the work.

This membership gives you a simple online tool to help you get physically stronger, develop healthy fitness habits, become part of a community, and grow your confidence around kettlebell training at home.

As a member, you will have exclusive access to the following:

Eric's Weekly Kettlebell Workouts | Stay consistent
  • 3-4 kettlebell-based workouts per week.

  • Uploaded every Sunday around 12am PT.

  • Each workout focuses on either the upper body, lower body, or full body, ensuring you will hit every major muscle group on a weekly basis.

  • Most exercises in these workouts require only one kettlebell. If an exercise uses two bells, it can be easily modified to be completed with just one.

  • All exercises have suggested rep counts depending on the relative weight you use (light, medium, & heavy).

  • Workouts typically take 30-60 minutes to complete. 

Fitness Tests | Track your progress
  • Optional (but highly encouraged) fitness tests occurring every week.

  • Quantitative scores remove the ambiguity of your strength and stamina progression.

Exercise Catalog | Learn the movements.
  • Full access to the Exercise Catalog, which provides videos and text for each movement in the weekly workouts.

Community Chat | Connect with other members via discord
  • Direct access to Eric and other subscribers in a private Discord server.

  • Q&A's

  • Exercise form checks

  • Diet discussions

  • Exclusive discount codes

  • Ability to request additional content

  • ...and much more!


Future Programming | Free Access
  • Enjoy free access to future à la carte programs as the Bellmade library grows over time.

  • Non-Bellmade members will have to purchase these programs individually.  


The foundation of this membership is simplicity, in both its content and its delivery. This content should be accessible to people of all skill levels, ensuring competency and enjoyment.

Are you ready to maximize your kettlebell competency at a stupid cheap price? Join now!



The foundation of this membership is simplicity, in both its content and its delivery. These workouts and videos should be accessible to people of all skill levels to ensure competency and enjoyment.

Are you ready to transform your kettlebell training at a stupid cheap price? Join now!


• Pricing •



Top Features

  • Eric's Weekly Kettlebell Workouts
  • Eric's Weekly Fitness Tests
  • Full access to the Exercise Catalog
  • Full access to the Bellmade Discord server
  • Full access to future programs
  • Exclusive discount codes
  • 7-day trial
  • Billed monthly



Most Popular

  • Eric's Weekly Kettlebell Workouts
  • Eric's Weekly Fitness Tests
  • Full access to the Exercise Catalog
  • Full access to the Bellmade Discord server
  • Full access to future programs
  • Exclusive discount codes
  • 7-day trial
  • Billed annually (2 months free!)

• Questions? •

Please reach out via email to [email protected].